Amazing iPad Finger Paintings!
Drawing iPad applications can do real miracle letting artists from different countries of the world create amazing finger paintings. It is difficult to believe that all these masterpieces were drawn on the tablet, but it is true.
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I always thought the phrase 'cute emo' was an oxymoron, surely those two words cannot be used to describe the stereotype imagery we all have stored in our cynical minds. Seems that emos' can be cute after all.
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Partying is fine but unless you're partying hard there's really no point. It's like they always say: If you're not absolutely bombed then you might as well not exist. Everyone here knows that & follows that mantra to the letter.
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The war on photobombers continues. No where is safe, wherever there is a photo being taken there will be some sick individual waiting to destroy it. They hate us for our freedoms *sniff*
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Sometimes you don't really need a unifying theme to create some synergy for something amazing, just photos that are noteworthy thanks to the fact that they're awesome. Some are funny, some unbelievable and every single one is incredible.
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Are you worried that you're a little bit on the untidy side? Really? Believe me, you're nothing compared to these people. If untidy was akin to a punch in the arm then these offenders would be standing trail for mass murder.
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If you live in the first world you're probably toiling under a constant barrage of earth shattering problems that only other people who live in the first world can empathise with, like these. Here's to you, you poor unfortunate souls.
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Girls making out with other girls is a beautiful thing to behold. Especially if they're cute. The only thing that makes it better is someone standing behind them and pulling a face. Luckily this scenario is played out regularly in bars all over the world.
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So. WHEN are they going to make this a mandatory Olympic sport, or at the very least an event that every city in the world gets to participate in. Think of it, apart from the willing participants, it'd be the ultimate spectator sport.
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WARNING: Looking at these images of church announcement signs out of context will leave you in a situation where you will never be able to look at one ever again without trying to figure out the wrong hidden meaning. Epic.
Comments: 4
Pretty important in terms of the whole human biology thingamajiggy, the human brain, from whatever scientifiic approach you take is a total scumbag. A wondrous marvel of evolution, but still a total scumbag.
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