Amazing iPad Finger Paintings!
Drawing iPad applications can do real miracle letting artists from different countries of the world create amazing finger paintings. It is difficult to believe that all these masterpieces were drawn on the tablet, but it is true.
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What the hell would we do at Christmas if chicks weren't invented, can you imagine? Without mammaries of mass distraction man would probably have time to invent clean energy or annihilate each other, just for kicks!
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Another collection of alternative illustrations for Prometheus posters, a couple of honey badgers, some Watchmen prequel comicbook cover designs, Conan, The Black Keys, Total Recall, The Phantom Apprentice and much, much more.
Comments: 31
Something that's happened to all red blooded males with a pulse & GOD FORBID there might be someone around with a camera to record the event when it does! It's one gallery you can browse without questioning your sexuality.
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Everyone has the right to protest, but it just seems that nowadays there are as many protests to counter-protest as there are things to protest about. Behold some VERY amusing ways to disrupt a dumb protest!
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Wouldn't it be great if Hollywood lost all of the horrible 'shopped' ridden-mess it pumps out when launching a film and got back to basics. These posters make the film's advertised about a thousand times more interesting.
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Those pesky aliens from the Half-Life game have been infiltrating art works from bygone eras, and they will not stop! You could look at it as some form of artistic sabotage or you could look on it as an improvement. We're all doomed!
Comments: 133
Who says that cute chicks have to follow the rules of 'cuteness' to appear attractive in a dude's eyes? It's obvious that these females are on to the fact that being funny makes them even more hawt!
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Well, strangely enough we all do! While we spend less & less time watching TV and more & more time on the interwebs, we are inadvertently missing out on some classic LOLZ in the form of news titles taken out of context.
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These are one of our favourite types of galleries, featuring cute, girls with ample assets! Our only concern is that we never get asked why we won't look them in the eye. There's far too much else to be looking at!
Comments: 967
A perfect derrière is just like a succulent steak, something you want to get your teeth into but it has to meet the following criretia: Juicy, no fat and something that just melts in your mouth!
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