Amazing iPad Finger Paintings!
Drawing iPad applications can do real miracle letting artists from different countries of the world create amazing finger paintings. It is difficult to believe that all these masterpieces were drawn on the tablet, but it is true.
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Beaches are a great place to relax and unwind. Unless the beach in question is this beach. This beach has planes flying so low over it that the turbulence can cause serious physical harm. Not exactly relaxing, eh?
Comments: 2
It's Tuesday (or Monday, depending on where you are?) which can only mean one thing. Time for another of our patented pic dumps. We've been scouring the intertubes for delectable morsels and here's what we dredged up. Enjoy.
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As if performing in-front of millions of sports fans wasn't stressful enough, now atheletes have to make sure they get their photo-pose just right too. Prepare to fear the telephoto lens and it's evil ways!
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What would English painter George Dawe think if he knew that his classic paintings of Russian generals had been hijacked & their heads replaced by all manner of modern celebrities? Jobs, Pacino, Cruise & even Charlie Sheen!
Comments: 213
Sometimes when you are taking a photograph the camera records an action event at precisely the right moment and shows the scene in a way that would never be possible to see as it was happening. Awesome.
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Sometimes it's difficult to make a differentiation between girls in swimwear or underwear, but it's never any real problem for the males of the species because we like looking at them wearing both - So it's a win-win situation.
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Girls making out with other girls is a beautiful thing to behold. Especially if they're cute. The only thing that makes it better is someone standing behind them and pulling a face. Luckily this scenario is played out regularly in bars all over the world.
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If you want a tattoo that will entertain and amuse your friends, why not get a join the dots tattoo? Other interactive tattoos include; Tic Tac Toe, word-search and dartboard. None of which are recommended.
Comments: 715
You can never have too much of a good thing when it comes to cute chicks, it might be true that two's company, but three's definitely a number i want to surround myself with if ever i get the chance.
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Capturing an exact moment in a photo sometimes yields totally different results than at first expected, when something in total action mode gets frozen in time some very interesting outcomes can happen that are awesome!
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