Amazing iPad Finger Paintings!
Drawing iPad applications can do real miracle letting artists from different countries of the world create amazing finger paintings. It is difficult to believe that all these masterpieces were drawn on the tablet, but it is true.
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Like most beauty treatments, if you can tell that someone has had cosmetic surgery then they've not had it done right. Unless they're like 103 trying to look 25 again, in which case it's inevitable...Prepare to enter the freak zone. OMG.
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We all love a ranga, it's good to get a bit of variation in the mix & if the carpet matches the drapes, then you know she's for real. But remember, along with that firery passion comes a matching temper. 'Fire in the hole!
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"Come to me my melancholy baby, Cuddle up and don't be blue - You know dear that I'm in lurve with you!" - Bing Crosby certainly knew what he was singing about , no wonder it was such a BIG hit - HUBBA!
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Finding just the right angle to give photos that WTFactor is sometimes a matter of skill, but mostly it's a matter of chance. But if and when you succeed, you have a once in a lifetime shot that you can feel stoked about.
Comments: 4
Because for some unknown reason there's an intrinsic charm to women with weaponry. Maybe it's just because they combine two of a man's favorite things. If she was also carrying a beer and a tasty bacon sammich, she'd be perfect.
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An epic collection of pictures that are unified simply by the fact that they're awesome - It makes a for an amazing collection of imagery that will satiate your visual appetite!
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You know, i've always thought about getting a small tattoo, you know, maybe a cute bunny wabbit on my butt, or maybe 'I love my mom' on my upper arm - But these criminals have clearly decided no to take the 'subtle' approach!
Comments: 1
This is the only way to neck a shot of your favourite tipple, be it Jack Daniels on bellybutton or cleavage tequila, so the next time you order at the bar, drink your drink from a lady's orifice!
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When it comes to image galleries, you might think that it couldn't get better than ladies in tight fitting yoga pants or lingerie. You'd be wrong. Time for some super cute, rainbow vomit inducing animals! YAAAAAAY.
Comments: 2
It's nice to have a different view of the one we are usually used to. Well instead of looking up to them we can now gaze down as they lay drunk in the gutter - Cheers!
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