Hyper-Realistic Paintings!
Believe it or not, these are all actually paintings. They are not photographs. Works by Roberto Bernardi, Eric Christensen, Steve Mills, Pedro Campos, Tom Martin, Jason Degraaf and Mark Goings.
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Ok, so lets be honest here, any girl with freckles instantly adopts a special sort of 'girl-next-door' charm, add to that the fact she is already a cute looking celeb and you are pretty much onto a winner.
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If you're a regular youtuber then you'll probably have already noticed that often the comments are sometimes way more entertaining than the actual video.
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You'd think with names like these, they shouldn't have even thought about going into politics. But despite being totally ludicrous, the public will probably vote for them just for a laugh. It worked for Boris Johnson.
Comments: 2,351
More evidence (as if any was needed), or maybe it's some last-minute revision of the inextricable correlation between the ambient temperature and the attractiveness of the native females. Hot weather = hot women. Fact.
Comments: 0
Welcome to the fine line that exists between 'hawt & helpless' in relation to the fairer sex. It's a zone in which just one drink too many and all of a sudden the world/party/evening is an entirely different place for a party girl.
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It's surprising the human race is alive and relatively well, if not mentally stable, after looking at some of these pics. The sins of the father and of the mother too. No doubt these kid'll grow up to be well-rounded, fully developed deviants
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Here's living breathing proof that you can never keep good idea from spreading into another medium. In fact, i'd say it brings together the two things that primarily exist in every geeks mind.
Comments: 3
"Houston, we have a problem" - I love a toned chick, but when she has a six pack and guns that would put you to shame then you know that this girl means business! Somehow i think i can predict who'd be the boss in the bedroom!
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It's Tuesday (or Monday, depending on where you are?) which can only mean one thing. Time for another of our patented pic dumps. We've been scouring the intertubes for delectable morsels and here's what we dredged up. Enjoy.
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Eric Cartman might not be a fan of the Titian look but with the likes of Alicia Witt and Faye Reagan on their side, if you're not dreaming of daywalkers by the end of this gallery then I'll eat my hat. And dye my hair red.
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