Hyper-Realistic Paintings!
Believe it or not, these are all actually paintings. They are not photographs. Works by Roberto Bernardi, Eric Christensen, Steve Mills, Pedro Campos, Tom Martin, Jason Degraaf and Mark Goings.
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It takes place on the second day of Easter and is guaranteed to make all girls wet (no, not in the way your pervy mind works), it is a peculiar custom of splashing females with cold water to purify them.
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Welcome to the fine line that exists between 'hawt & helpless' in relation to the fairer sex. It's a zone in which just one drink too many and all of a sudden the world/party/evening is an entirely different place for a party girl.
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It's a simple formula, but sometimes the simplest ones are always the best. This one consists of a girl, a camera and a mirror. Also, as much skin on display as possible. You get two for the price of one. Win-win.
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Getting people to pose exactly how they were photographed decades before in the exact same location, wearing the same clothes aint exactly easy when you come to think of it! But on the interwebs anything is possible!
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A perfect chance to look at pictures of divers and laugh your ass off at them afterwards. The expressions are a mix of concentration, physical strain and g-forces. Somehow, this never gets old.
Comments: 1,647
Proof that under all that flubber lies a ripped body just waiting to be shown off. I just knew i had muscles. Kinda. I'm guessing that quite a lot of personal work was required to make some of these amazing body alterations posible.
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A picture paints a thousand words and that's definitely true if it just happens to be snapped at precisely the right (or wrong, depending on how you view it) moment to make the image as memorable as it could possibly be! Enjoy.
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Capturing an exact moment in a photo sometimes yields totally different results than at first expected, when something in total action mode gets frozen in time some very interesting outcomes can happen that are awesome!
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At first I thought this was a bunch of guys cosplaying as Call Of Duty. Turns out that these are real warzones. You can tell from how much freedom the locals are enjoying, in between being shot at and being bombed. Dark stuff.
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Girls making out with other girls is a beautiful thing to behold. Especially if they're cute. The only thing that makes it better is someone standing behind them and pulling a face. Luckily this scenario is played out regularly in bars all over the world.
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