Hyper-Realistic Paintings!
Believe it or not, these are all actually paintings. They are not photographs. Works by Roberto Bernardi, Eric Christensen, Steve Mills, Pedro Campos, Tom Martin, Jason Degraaf and Mark Goings.
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More exciting than watching your first child being born whilst walking on the moon on an IV drip of cocaine, or winning the superbowl & then discovering you have superpowers. Too bad you won't remember it in the morning.
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If you live in the first world you're probably toiling under a constant barrage of earth shattering problems that only other people who live in the first world can empathise with, like these. Here's to you, you poor unfortunate souls.
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We regularly scour the internet for the most babely of all of the babes. Here's a random selection of some of the most babely - Bonus babe points were awarded for suggestive poses and skimpy apparel. Enjoy.
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I'm throwing a party and all these girls are invited! Come one, come all and bring your friends, as long as they have big butts and their idea of dressing up is to go out in a thong or micro-bikini. Res ipsa loquitur. Let the good times roll.
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More evidence (as if any was needed), or maybe it's some last-minute revision of the inextricable correlation between the ambient temperature and the attractiveness of the native females. Hot weather = hot women. Fact.
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Some of these are really creepy and all are WTF? Makes you wonder how the heck someone could get some of these things inside them!
Comments: 137
Who says a babe has to have a pulse to make you drool over her, not if she's a zombie hottie! Living(?) proof that even if she's waay past her sell-buy date she's still hawt enough to get your teeth into!
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Just remember, you will never give less of a f#ck than when you are a child. Kids are like little rockstars who don't need drugs and alcohol when they trash the place and defecate on themselves, it's just who they are - Be AFRAID!
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There is something very spicy about the way this spicy Mexican beauty wears her body - You wouldn't kick her out of bed just for leaving taco crumbs !
Comments: 358
Get ready for 40 Cage-tastic pictures of assorted celebrities and famous figures with Nick Cage's glorious face superimposed over the original. Sounds daft but it has the power to convert you to the Church Of Cage. Fact.
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