Hyper-Realistic Paintings!
Believe it or not, these are all actually paintings. They are not photographs. Works by Roberto Bernardi, Eric Christensen, Steve Mills, Pedro Campos, Tom Martin, Jason Degraaf and Mark Goings.
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Hollywood have been churning out the same interchangeable rubbish movie-in movie-out over the past ten years, so it's ALWAYS refreshing to see a fan's take on a movie in the form of a well thought-out poster design. There's 30 crackers here.
Comments: 316
There are some things that simply defy all sensible explainations. These are they. If you think you are able to explain why a panda is riding in a tiny car while playing the trumpet, then tell me and make my day. Go on, I dare you.
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You would think a virgin would grab the opportunity to grab some flesh but it seems that evolution has come up with a way seperating the men from the boys on this matter, obvious signs are 'hover hand' and outright body awkwardness!
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Sometimes you go out & drink yourself into a tinsel strewn, bed-sh#tting, marker-ridden, man-hugging mess, & here are those results! If they want to put people off drinking they should show these to kindergarten kids to scare them senseless.
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So another Monday morning rolls around and i'm sure we are all reflecting on what a bizzare and horrific week it was, especially is you were a resident in Boston MA. It's a sad world. Time to restore the balance and cheer you up with some LOLZ pics.
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I don't think I'm alone in saying that I almost never look at my receipt, even after seeing these weird receipts I'm probably not going to start either but it shows you never know when you could find something that would make it worth while.
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The now classic subversion of the motivational poster has been around for so long that it's hard to tell when it started. That doesn't mean that it's gotten stale though, as this gallery perfectly illustrates.
Comments: 30
Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that the following females are bone-fide geeks, but we can assure you they are cuties using stripped-down computers, or is it the other way around?
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MOM.....LOOK AT ME....LOOK AT ME MOOOOOOM?? Some people will do anything to gain their their parent's attention and in the process seriosuly hamper their chances of ever working in the service industry.
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Yep, it's another glorious Monday morning & another time for a get-back-to-work gallery of whatever-the-hell weirdness the internet had to offer over the past week. All the best images are packaged up here for your perusal.
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