Amazing iPad Finger Paintings!
Drawing iPad applications can do real miracle letting artists from different countries of the world create amazing finger paintings. It is difficult to believe that all these masterpieces were drawn on the tablet, but it is true.
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Jeebus, if i ever knew i would be quoting Grease lyrics to describe seriously hawt chicks & summer when i was a kid then i would have converted to a Jehovah's Witnesses on the spot - WTF!?!
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Yep, that's right, the fabled Spring Break is drawing ever closer and the main reason why you went to college to study will become apparent. It's a time to meet with other students and converse about coursework and everything educational. Isn't it?
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Laptops are great, but you know what's even better? Ladies. As this gallery illustrates combining the two ups the awesomeness to giddying new heights. Stay tuned for next week's gallery: Ladies On Laptops Eating Bacon!
Comments: 314
A collection of behind the scenes shots from the filming of Back To The Future 2. Some that let you in on how the films were made and the techniques used, others that just show the cast goofing off.
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I know what you want. You want to peruse a gallery of hamster glamour shots don't you? Thought so. Well, here it is, a collection of adorable fluffballs who have all been beutified and readied for their close-ups.
Comments: 3
Think of it as pr0n for powerpoint. The stuff that makes mathematicians hot under the collar, and in this gallery the medium has been lovingly subverted to the cause of lolz. it's enough for the inner-nerd in you to explode.
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Sometimes our base animal instincts rise up out of nowhere and we behave like dogs, sniffing around another canine's rear quarters, only humans are so much more evolved, so we just stare wide-eyed and drool.
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Lets face it, if you are going to get something permanently marked onto your body for life it might as well be useful, something like a shopping list, the name of your mother-in-law, or your girlfriends b/day. Stuff like that!
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It's the land of the free, home of the brave, birthplace of the American dream and host to all sorts of other freaks. Somewhere along the way the dream turned into a nightmare that some people haven't woken up from yet!
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Tekken fans were recently asked to submit their own pictures that reminded them of Tekken, via Instagram, to hopefully be selected for display in a trendy London gallery. Who says games aren't art? Here are all the winners!
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