Amazing iPad Finger Paintings!
Drawing iPad applications can do real miracle letting artists from different countries of the world create amazing finger paintings. It is difficult to believe that all these masterpieces were drawn on the tablet, but it is true.
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The art of cleavage is an totally under appreciated skill. It's not all about the size or quality of the asset, but how it is presented, as you might find if you were lucky enough to get acquainted with some of these ladies.
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Yep, the cold realization of the fact it's Monday again. Still, it could be a lot worse - Psy launches Gangnam Style follow-up in South Korea & Thermonucleur war is a possibility in North Korea. What you need is some LOLZ of the pic kind.
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A collection of fails so fundamentally obvious that there can only be two explanations; Either the person did it on purpose or they had an episode and went 'full retard'.
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I love a themed party, why? Well, for one it's a chance to adopt an alter-ego personality & of course the other reason is that chicks seem to love come dressed, well, in not very much at all - Let the party begin!
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I hate to think of a chick in trouble & i'm always willing to cum to a maiden in distress, i would gladly lend a hand to handle this pert predicament for any of these cuties!
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Guys stare at women. it's what they do. Especially when the women are wearing as little as these ones are. Regardless nobody wants to be unsubtle enough to get caught staring like all of these lecherous gentlemen.
Comments: 8
Summer's coming and that means the beach. It’s a great place to rest & relax, catching a few zzz’s & maybe read a good book while you work on your tan. Whatever your reason, it won’t be a complete experience without ogling all the cute women.
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You may've thought your hair was pretty crap when you were younger, but it probably wasn't anywhere near as tragic as the ones on display here.
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Ow. It hurts just looking at these scorched bodies, what's wrong with them? They're either on a death wish or they just don't get that big, bright burning yellow orb in the sky that we orbit around. It gives off heat as well as light :(
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Some people are definitely on a completely different wavelength than the rest of us and what they take for normal everyday activities would send the rest of us running for the hills. It's a very strange planet we live on.
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