Amazing iPad Finger Paintings!
Drawing iPad applications can do real miracle letting artists from different countries of the world create amazing finger paintings. It is difficult to believe that all these masterpieces were drawn on the tablet, but it is true.
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No matter where i go i am amazed at what incredible natural wonders of nature - i am of course talking about the female of the species and their attire wherever the sun decides to shine - The Earth just got HAWT!
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If you like lots of pictures of the same hot woman in lots of ever-so-slightly different bikinis, then we've got a real treat in store for you here. If this chick isn't a catalog model, then she's definitely got the skills.
Comments: 653
If you are going to do a prank then make it a truly memorable one. Mischief takes planning, preparation and more than a little dedication. You've got to respect the lengths some people will go to for their lulz.
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Sometimes temptation is too much for some people. If your current girlfriend is slim, active and only eats one salad leaf a day - respect her - it takes a lot of will-power to avoid the lure of burgers & fries as these relapses reveal.
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In this age of equality it's refreshing to see some men sticking to a time honored tradition and letting females join in. No idea why these women were let out of the kitchen anyway?
Comments: 15
Capturing an exact moment in a photo sometimes yields totally different results than at first expected, when something in total action mode gets frozen in time some very interesting outcomes can happen that are awesome!
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Christmas is rapidly approaching which can mean only one thing. Office parties. If you're a fan of free drink, office indiscretions and waking up with a raging hangover, you're in luck. Also, if you like galleries you're in luck as well!
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Nowadays, if you are a girl, you can't go anywhere or do anything in private without one of your buddies whipping out their digital camera and recording the event for the internet - It's a continuing chick caught-short conundrum.
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Man, it’s tough being rich. You may think you have a hard time making ends meet and trying to pay the rent/mortgage/maintain your Star Wars action figure collection, but that’s nothing compared to the dilemmas besetting the uber rich.
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Life's a peach if she's got a behind you could rest your beverage on, but that would be the last thing i would be doing around these amicable-asseted angles. The perfect combination of slim frame and a unbelievably curvy booty.
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