You're Doing It Wrong!
These events would make Darwin turn in his grave! A great collection of screw-ups. With epic fails a plenty, this one should have you in stitches!
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Prepare for some epic FAIL-Tat-Stik permanent skin disasters! Every single one of these is craptastic & hugely regrettable in so many ways. Remember. A tattoo isn't just for life, it's for your friends to laugh at as well.
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Sometimes, if you look at things completely out for context you can't help but think to yourseflf "WTF is going on here!?!" - On those occasions someone may well be doing something that seems logial, to them. Maybe?
Comments: 0
As the old saying goes, "you don't look at the mantel when you're poking the fire", if you did you might drop your stroke & run screaming into the night. I guess you could avoid the horror with a brown paper bag, or better yet, a Halloween mask :(
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It's the land of the free, home of the brave, birthplace of the American dream and host to all sorts of other freaks. Somewhere along the way the dream turned into a nightmare that some people haven't woken up from yet!
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From the truffle shuffle to Tony Montana's bid for world domination they are all in there. If there is a film in this gallery you haven't seen then you need to do so quickly, they are all excellent parts of cinema history.
Comments: 316
Yeah boiiii! Time for another epic collection of funny, freshly squeezed from the internet-hole. As usual the standards for inclusion in this gallery are high, but there's plenty of them. Enough to set you up for the rest of the week!
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A round of Epic Bodges for your guffawing pleasure. Ranging from the pretty clever looking quick fixes, though to the outright idiotic and acts of stupidity we all know the general public are capable of.
Comments: 4,495
Just remember, you will never give less of a f#ck than when you are a child. Kids are like little rock-stars who don't need drugs and alcohol when they trash the place and defecate on themselves, it's just who they are - Be afraid.
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Nothing can stop these young whooper-snappers from conquering brave new worlds on their trusty mounts! Tomorrow's generation has NO fear!
Comments: 569
Don't expect to see these books in stores any time soon, most of these are photoshops but some are real, I could definitely see someone making 'cooking with pooh'. It would probably sell well, just not to kids.
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