You're Doing It Wrong!
These events would make Darwin turn in his grave! A great collection of screw-ups. With epic fails a plenty, this one should have you in stitches!
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No one reads anymore, not when we have endless cat videos at the click of a button, so librarians need ways to grab our attention and make us want to pick up a book—and this is a great way of doing just that.
Comments: 1,884
Wacky, wild and crazy faces, i just love it that no two are the same and some are totally WTF!? They say a picture is worth a thousand words, in this case a picture is worth a thousand smiles!
Comments: 1
This girl-kissing hottie shows off her biggest assets in this beautiful gallery dedicated to her fun bags!
Comments: 5
So the Olympics and the paralympics are over. The races have all been run, the medals have all been handed out and the politicians have all received their rightful booing. Time to admire the subversive street artists take on the proceedings.
Comments: 14
At first I thought this was a bunch of guys cosplaying as Call Of Duty. Turns out that these are real warzones. You can tell from how much freedom the locals are enjoying, in between being shot at and being bombed. Dark stuff.
Comments: 0
Summer means hanging out at the beach (if you are lucky enough not to have a real job) and taking in the total funny eye candy of everyday people going about their, sometimes, weird, buisness.
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When it comes to ladies it's the magical number that mathematical nerds and religious freaks alike have worshiped for all eternity, the all-hallowed 'Holy Trinity' of hawtness. Prepare yourself for some triple-tastic women worship!
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Trust good old Mother Nature to cum up with millions of years of evolution to produce some of the most beautiful natural monuments the planet has ever seen - I would gladly plant a flag on ALL of them :)
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Prepare to be dazzled as you witness a collection of some of the most awesome hyper realistic street art that we have ever seen. Some is better than others but at it's pinnacle, these are almost indistinguishable from the real thing!
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With each Cosplay convention that comes and goes the bar gets set higher & higher with regard to the best costumes. It's becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd. These rise above the pretenders to the throne.
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