You're Doing It Wrong!
These events would make Darwin turn in his grave! A great collection of screw-ups. With epic fails a plenty, this one should have you in stitches!
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He's the greatest artist never known. Kind of like Clark Kent, walking the planet and saving mankind from themselves by the power of street-art. And now he's invaded Los Angeles, so Schwarzenegger beware!
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As my dad used to say, "let sleeping girls lie", or was that dogs, who cares! There is something mesmerizing watching a cutie cuddle up and close her eyes - I LOVE the total vulnerability of a female when she is fast asleep.
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This gallery is a tribute to the high-beams! Hottie celebs showing off their glorious headlights!
Comments: 9
Laptops are great, but you know what's even better? Ladies. As this gallery illustrates combining the two ups the awesomeness to giddying new heights. Stay tuned for next week's gallery: Ladies On Laptops Eating Bacon!
Comments: 314
These printers have identity issues, or thirsts for unusual substances. or are they part of the skynet uprising. Oviously though, some of these machines seem to be saying whatever the hell they like.
Comments: 13
So scientists have discovered the Higgs Boson particle at CERN and I don't even know what that is. I also don't care. I'd rather look at pics of Thor holding ice creams. If you're like me then this is the gallery for you. LOLZ > SCIENCE!
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The wonderful thing about Facebook is the ability to troll and comment on your friend's intimate dirty laundry, so not only do your buddies find out, but all those people you've not spoken to since High School too.
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Another week has gone by and Monday rolls round again. If you're anything like me you're chomping at the bit for something to do other than work. Luckily for you we've prepared a nice big pic-dump for you to enjoy!
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Who says that cute chicks have to follow the rules of 'cuteness' to appear attractive in a dude's eyes? It's obvious that these females are on to the fact that being funny makes them even more hawt!
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A collection of some of the most inventive, creative and downright awesome street art that we have ever seen. Social commentary, optical illusions and even guerrilla knitting. It's all here and it's all AWESOME!
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