Power Rangers Vs. Zombies
Everyone knows that Power Rangers and the shambling undead are mortal enemies, but this is the first time I've seen their everlasting conflict depicted in the form of an impromptu flashmob. Sterling work, chaps.
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Fierce female abdominals are always going to be a divisive topic to debate. Some of us love them, others loathe them. Frankly I don't mind either way so long as the owner of those amazing abs can make a good sammich.
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This is your raw, live, unprocessed irony, none of that cheap created comedic irony, this stuff is from the streets. A lot of you will probably already see irony everywhere but for those who don't, here are some very clear examples.
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Females, sometimes there's no logic to them, however much you try to rationalize it, the best thing is to let them get on with it (if it involves interaction with you), whatever it is the hell they think they're doing?
Comments: 0
Time to witness pure evil, right down to correctly applied eyeliner, torn fishnets, asymmetric hair and a huge appetite for cake and abject misery - And you thought you had it bad!
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She was the hawtest chick to ever appear in the OC is getting back to basics and letting the clothes disappear by the OCean - How the hell she is on her own in these pics is beyond me - STUNNING!
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Did these people get dressed in the dark or what!? With so much clothing available in every high street, it makes you wonder what went through the minds of these folks when they got dressed that morning. Surreal.
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These distorted panoramic photographers are by Randy Scott Slavin for his Alternate Perspective series. He can take up to a hundred pictures of a scene to build up a 360 degree image before stitching them together to make a stereographic projection.
Comments: 3
Getting a tattoo is a very personal thing, if you're going to get something indelibly inked under your skin, visible to all, you'd better make a statement. Something meaningful. "I like McDonalds" is a perfect example.
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Sometimes when you are taking a photograph the camera records an action event at precisely the right moment and shows the scene in a way that would never be possible to see as it was happening. Awesome.
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This should be an advertisement for the stuff. It doesn't matter what it is that's broken, if you use enough duct tape you can get it working again. If the CERN super collider was broken you know what those scientists would be reaching for...
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