Actresses All Grown Up
One picture they're a youngster and the next they are all grown up and trying to look voluptuous, it's quite strange really. Anyway all your classic Hollywood kids are in here along with a few you won't have expected.
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Get ready for a self-shooting showdown of epic proportions as rival phone pretties put on their best poses (and smallest outfits) to outdo the competition in a battle of the babes. Cell phone tastic!
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I don't care who you are, if you're bored of look at Kate Upton modelling underwear then you're bored of life. She's the hottest girl in the world right now and every picture of her deserves to be celebrated. Fact.
Comments: 2
That swimsuit colour really brings out his eyes and compliments his Rubenesque body, one for the spank bank...But in all seriousness, let hope for the sake of all humanity he doesn't do Playboy.
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Question: How do you make a hawt chick hotter? EASY, you get her to take off all her clothes, put on an 'optional' bikini and jump into a hot tub!
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Sometimes temptation is too much for some people. If your current girlfriend is slim, active and only eats one salad leaf a day - respect her - it takes a lot of will-power to avoid the lure of burgers & fries as these relapses reveal.
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Nature is always at it's very best when it comes to the meeting of land & sea, talk to any surfer & they'll explain the factors that come into play to construct the 'perfect' wave & all agree the tube is a work of beauty!
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They are out there. Waiting. Looking for any oppertunity to get into one of your personal photos and spoil them with their own special brand of posing. Be it a weird face, body part, or god knows what. Fear them.
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The recent tornado strike in Joplin, Missouri proved how devastating nature's power can be when it hits a populated town in America. The sheer power of the wind is a force that, when experienced, will blow not just your mind away.
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Defending the Galactic Empire and fighting the Rebel Alliance can take its toll and so when these guys get a day off they like to relax, even if they have to stay in uniform. So that means breakdancing, feeding the pigeons, going fishing, the usual.
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Some of these won't apply but I guarantee that at least one or two will become part of your everyday life and will make you day run a lot smoother. Personally the spam filter one has been a life saver. Thank you, Life Hacks!
Comments: 1,186