Fur Loving Yiffers
Some of the planets most atrocious fur fancying FAILS in human form. What at first glance might look like a convention for football mascots is actually a a hive of scum, villainy & sexual perversion that'd make Fritzl want to upchuck.
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It's that wonderful, peaceful calm before the oncoming storm of an almighty hangover. You've had another heavy night on the booze, and you're past that point where you could fall fast asleep on a bed of rusty nails. Or anywhere.
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As Cyndi Lauper shrewdly remarked, 'Girls just wanna have fun, oh girls, just wanna have fun. That's all they really want!' And when you're on vacation it's all about having fun, and these girls look like they know how to do that!
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Our world is an amazing place, sometimes we take it too much for granted, just imagine what beauty an alien would make of the earth. The National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 shows us just that. be amazed.
Comments: 0
It's good to see that at some point over the last few years cosplay really upped its game to an entirely new level of awesome! At it's creative peak can be a superbly entertaining spectacle (especially if they are cute).
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Do you ever wonder sometimes that if there is a god, why in 'his' name did he only make the weekend last for 48hrs? I mean, i know we are meant to spend Sunday honoring his existence, but that leaves no time to look at stuff like this!
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With the football season kicking off again around the world it's time to celebrate in style - How I'd love to score with these girls' - GOAL!!!
Comments: 153
Some awesome behind the scenes shot of the making of Kill Bill. Some are amazing, some hilarious and others are just a great candid look at a classic movie as it's being made. Tarantino fans will lap this up.
Comments: 84
If there is something else you'd feel comfortable with your girlfriend purring her hands all over besides you it'd have to be your guitar, two of the dearest things in your life that you love to cherish together. It's a perfect synergy.
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You just know these are road accidents just waiting to happen. Witness some of the more ingenious ways of trasporting, well, pretty much anything in a vehicle usually built for one or two passengers.
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MOM.....LOOK AT ME....LOOK AT ME MOOOOOOM?? Some people will do anything to gain their their parent's attention and in the process seriosuly hamper their chances of ever working in the service industry.
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