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Happy Cat
You might have seen happy looking cats before, but they're usually just photoshopped to look that way. This one looks happy without the aid of graphical retouching. Also he pants like a dog which is way cool.
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A remake of the insanely popular Gangnam Style music video, set in England's capital city. Black cabs, red london busses, traffic jams, looting and rioting. It's all in there. Pip pip. Jolly good.
Comments: 6
They say it was the sponge that Mary Magdalene wiped Jeebus with when he was carrying the cross on his way to be crucified.
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It's kinda like watching cats falling over or failing to jump a gap. From the look of them they should be the epitome of poise and elegance which just makes it all the more hilarious when they act clumsy and fail.
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The good old invisible rope prank pulled off on a few more motorists and a biker.
Comments: 3
Ok, so we lied a bit, it's not strictly parkour, this guy's professional title is actually a Tosser so, close enough. He's a Frenchman who throws cats around in his spare time. Yes, he's a bit of a pussy.
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Well, this is the next 8 minutes of your life sorted, so if you were at a loss for what to do, look no further. Everyone enjoys Japan’s sense of ridiculousness when it comes to game shows and everything else.
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This has to be the best name for a horse EVER. Period. Not open for discussion. I'd follow this sport a LOT more if this nags performance meant it won every race - AWESOME!
Comments: 2
It might be six years old but this Barats and Bareta comedy skit is EXACTLY what it's like to have a brother. If you don't have a brother and have always wondered what it would be like, watch this and be glad you don't have one.
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Icons of Star Trek and Star Wars recently took to the internet arguing that their franchise reigned supreme. George Takei–the only actor who has worked in both–stepped in to broker the peace by identifying a mutual threat.
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This guy is Crazy Douggs and these are his ker-razy friends who've decided to base jump. And after watching it, Crazy Douggs has every right to affix the term "crazy" to his name. This. Is. Madness!
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