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Cute Chick Gladiator FAIL
When you are at at a GLADIATOR audition.. you gotta be a little tougher than that.. - LOL
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Not just any gayness, interracial gayness! The only thing this game needs now is a side story about how abortion is a woman's choice and it will be trolling puritanical right-wingers the world over. Awesome.
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Ever seen a dude in a Mini pull a wicked backflip? Watch this and then you can say that you have. It's pretty impressive stuff, even if he did have to tweak the suspension on it a little bit...
Comments: 0
This trailer parody from Thanks Mom Productions hilariously combines Chris Pratt's upcoming role in Jurassic World and his role as the lovable Andy Dwyer on NBC's Parks and Recreation.
Comments: 231
The Pistol Shrimps do their best to show us what rageface comics would look like if they happened in real life. They do a damn good job too. From the classic rageface to Me Gusta and Troll Dad. Awesome stuff.
Comments: 11
Hugh Jackman is having a rough month. Starts off by busting up his eye on Oprah and now he takes a fastball to the nuts playing cricket.
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If little Michael Jackson had a webcam to show off his moves back in the 70's, his videos probably would've looked like this one. The pop-locking at the end is astounding.
Comments: 13
You are going to engage with this with the overwhelming thought that this is going to be AWFUL, and i would have agreed with you, but i came, i clicked, and to my horror i found that i seriously liked it - OMG HELP ME!?!
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This girl could make a fortune if they were diamonds. WTF
Comments: 3
In Hollywood’s tireless journey to systematically destroy everything you hold dear and sacred, they present to you the trailer for the Conan The Barbarian reboot. Shocking.
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The only explanation I can come up with for this is that you reach a certain age and you start looking for ways to die.
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